Our 2011 Volunteers

Hatua Likoni has been fortunate to have many local and international volunteers over the years come to help us with the activities of our organization. This year is no exception!

Samantha Cowles joined us for a second time in Jan 2011. She first volunteered with Hatua from Nov ‘09 to April ‘10, during which time she helped Hatua conduct a 900 household survey of Likoni’s development needs, write funding proposals to foundations, and draft our mission, vision, and organizational by-laws. Sam came back this year to conduct interviews with Hatua Likoni staff, board members and community partners for her Masters thesis, which will focus on the unique challenges facing youth-led community development organizations in developing countries.

Samantha Cowles

While in Likoni Sam made time to help Hatua select our 2011 scholarship recipients and shop for uniforms, books and shoes for our new students.

Samantha Cowles with Gabi at ‘bata’ to shop for the students’ shoes

After three weeks with us Sam is headed back home to the USA to write her thesis, and in June plans to graduate with a Masters degree in Sustainable Development from The School for International Training (SIT). We wish her all the best as she defends her thesis and hope she comes back to visit us soon!

Ben Levey arrived in Likoni in early February to volunteer with Hatua for four months. In May ‘10 he graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in Biology, and in Aug will start a masters program in Physical Therapy at the University of Pittsburg. Lucky for us he decided to spend the time he has between schools here helping local coaches organize a community football (soccer) league. With three years experience coaching boys and girls teams he is the right person for the job.

Ben Levey

In his first days Ben has met with coaches from local teams and brainstormed ideas for improving the organization of football activities in likoni. In addition to being enthusiastic about starting a league, coaches said they would like to learn from Ben’s coaching experience, so Ben is making plans to conduct weekly coaching clinics.

One of the junior teams during a past tournament

In Likoni football is the only structured activity available to kids other than school, but it’s not very organized. Teams practice often but play matches as little as once a month. A league will ensure that all participating teams play matches every week and that there is a league champion every season.

Stay tuned for news as the league comes together.